Create safety and stability within your mind and body.

At Inner Balance, trauma is treated holistically, with a focus on both the body and the mind. When supporting clients who have experienced trauma, our therapists incorporate evidence based therapeutic modalities that have been shown to be effective, including body-centered (somatic) therapy, EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing), Brainspotting, narrative therapy, and TF-CBT (trauma focused cognitive behavioral therapy).

We treat trauma that is a result of any number of traumatic events or circumstances: an unhealthy family or relationship, the loss of a loved one, neglect, unwanted sexual experiences, attachment injury, life transitions, and much more.

Inner peace, ease, and self-acceptance are within your reach. If you’re feeling overwhelmed and stuck, reaching out to a therapist is a first step that you can take today. 

It takes courage to reach out and be vulnerable, and it’s important to find a therapist you feel safe and comfortable with. We offer free consultation sessions so you can determine if our team member is the right fit for you. If so, you and your therapist will work as a team and create a plan to move towards healing.

Working with an Inner Balance therapist to process and heal from trauma, may include developing coping skills for the effects of trauma on your current lived experience, learning to notice and bring attention to your body’s reactions and responses, or reframing the narrative of your life to shift into a more empowered story. All of these tools can help you begin to let go of the past, and start to live with more peace in the present.

Types of Trauma

You may have heard of categorizations called Big and Little “T” trauma. At Inner Balance we understand that no matter what the cause of trauma, the impact on our sense of safety in the world can be the same.

We can carry trauma after experiencing abuse, violence, neglect, physical injuries, and life-threatening experiences, but trauma can also be experienced as a result of more common upsetting events. Going through a divorce, moving to a new city or school, losing a friendship or other important relationship, and other every day distressing experiences can also live in our bodies and minds as trauma. Our work is to process and release the part of you that may feel stuck in the physical sensations and emotions of that experience, and to minimize the way that it is affecting you in the present.

Research supports that addressing and resolving traumatic experiences with treatment can have a strong positive impact on a person’s recovery. Whatever the source of your trauma, we are here to help you recover in a safe, supportive environment.